I am 30 weeks along today! He's coming so soon and I am so happy. Ricky's really involved with this whole pregnancy which is really nice. I felt really alone at first, and sometimes still do, but I know my Ricky is always there.
Now we have to face getting his room put together. I think it should be a lot of fun, but we don't have much. We've recieved some clothing, a blanket and some bibs. We went garage sale hunting and got a few older baby clothing items there. I have enough saved for a crib and a mattress for it but that's about all.
Since I didn't find out I was pregnant until much after I would have wanted, we don't really have the classic weekly "baby bump" photos. We have been slowly creating an album of "Adventures while pregnant" album and it has been a lot of fun. So, here's the latest one: adventure to Ye Olde Renaissance Faire. Enjoy.